Open Space — 3.0 Ecoverse Tool and Ship NFTs completed.

The Open Space - Online
3 min readMay 22, 2023


Tool / Ship NFTs

The excavators that will be used for mining activities in the Ecoverse Universe have been completed. NFT images have been created and there is no longer any obstacle to the completion of the interface. In addition, the final screws were tightened, the final paints were applied, and NFT images were created for the Merchant ships that will enable the interplanetary game trade.

Metal Mining Tools

The tools used to produce the metal mine are manufactured and used exclusively by the Ferrox Alliance (see Association Agreements).

  • Pulse Pick (Common Tool): This tool is used for digging small mineral deposits and is equipped with a high-speed vibrating head. Vibrations in its head aid in easier digging and picking.
  • Forge Hammer (Uncommon): This tool is used to excavate medium-sized mineral deposits and is designed as a hammer. It enters the mine deposit with a strong blow and breaks the metal pieces and collects them.
  • Magma Drill (Rare): This tool is used to excavate large mineral deposits and is mined from molten metallic lava. It is resistant to very high temperatures and has a powerful drill head.

Crystal Mining Tools

The tools used to produce the crystal mine are produced and used only by the Lumina Alliance (see Alliance Agreements).

  • Prism Chisel (Common): This tool is used for digging small crystal beds and has a fine tip. Due to the fragile nature of crystals, Prism Chisel has been carefully designed for handling.
  • Crystal Shatterer (Uncommon): This tool is used to excavate medium-sized crystal beds and is designed to break and shatter crystals. It has a hard head with high braking power.
  • Laser Cutter (Rare): This tool is used to cut and collect large crystal beds. An intense laser beam cuts through the crystals and facilitates collection.

Deuterium Mining Tools

The tools used in the Deuterium mine’s tools are manufactured and used exclusively by the Aurorium Alliance (see Association Agreements)

  • Atomic Scoop (Common): This tool is used to excavate small deuterium deposits and has a head for atomic-level disintegration and display.
  • Radiant Digger (Rare): This tool is used to excavate medium deuterium deposits and has a special radiation source. This helps to remove deuterium more quickly and effectively during the digging process.
  • Nuclear Extractor (Rare): This tool is used to excavate and extract large deuterium deposits. A powerful nuclear reactor uses the deuterium to condense and it is collected.

Merchant Ships

It is a sub-union established to transfer the minerals produced as a result of the decisions taken by the Mining Union between the planets owned by different unions. Merchants who transfer the mines do not have a right to production. However, by ensuring the transfer of the produced mines, it aims both to ensure that every union reaches every mine equally and to make a profit as a result of the exchange. Trade Union members are permitted to manufacture and use spaceships used for transportation. (see Union Agreements).

  • Pulsar Transport Ship (Common): This ship is the most basic ship of the Trade Association and can carry all ores. Due to its low rarity, its carrying capacity is also low, but the resources required to manufacture this ship are low. Because of this feature, the Pulsar Transport Ship is a widely used model in the fleet of small-scale traders.
  • Titan Transport Ship (Uncommon): This ship is more valuable as it has a higher carrying capacity than Pulsar Transport ships. In addition, because they have a more durable structure, they can move on more difficult routes than Pulsar Transport ships. Thanks to the cooling system specially designed for this model, more fuel can be transported in the fuel cells.
  • Hyperion Transport Ship (Rare): This ship is one of the rarest ships of the Trade Union. These ships have a very high payload and are equipped with more features than the Pulsar Transport and Titan Transport ships. There are special storage and security systems, high-tech navigation systems, and rich armament for the protection of the mines carried on these ships. However, these ships are very rare as they are very expensive to build and maintain.

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